Your Challenge is to tell us how you would, could or will slay the dragon that plagues our lands.

WINNER – Nidira (Asa)!

The people of our History have shown us through there works of art and stories that their imaginations have been no less than our own, yes we reenact history……… Also this event ‘Dragon Slayer’ has a title steeped in some mythical imagination, as we cannot have a tourney to choose a new champion, I put forth a challenge to all the fighters of every discipline, archers of all types as well as the general populace of Avacal.

This dragon is a plague upon you and our great Kingdom and must be stopped!

Submissions were judged by Their Excellencies, myself and one other on their creativity, extra Kudos were awarded tying it into another challenge (Recipe Challenge or Archery Challenge)!

Each tale was highly entertaining and it was a difficult to choose one over the other.

Plus we had a video entry from Skeld the Peacemaker / Strife-Bringer, but there are some tech details to be conquered so that it can be shared here as well.