Whatcha doin’ this weekend? Coming to MayDays?! We sure hope you are!
Yes, we’re camping!

You can come Friday evening to set up and hang out with us, then…
Gate opens at 9
Displays for A&S set up for 10
Merchants should be opening for 10
Fighty stuff is around 11, I’ve heard there will be fun things…
Then Lunch of Hot Dogs ($3ea or 2/$5)
Sometime between noon and 2 will be the finding of the May Queen and the Greenman
Archery shoot for our defender (indoors!!) will be starting about 2
The sheep war is after that
Sigfuss’ Minotaur Ale (and a non-ale) stew for dinner ($10) is set for supper-ish time
May Queen’s court after dinner
Then discreet drinkies and late night fun
Please be packed out by 11
Hope to see you there
Freydis Birthesdottir and Marjatta Kaukolainen