There will be classes available at upcoming July and August Taverns:

Lucet Cording 101
September Tavern (September 10, 2024)

Have a lucet gathering dusk in your SCA basket? Come on out and learn how to use it!

This class will offer a basic introduction to the history and to how to use a lucet. Please bring your own lucet if you have one. Yarn optional, I will have a selection. Lucets available for use during the class and $5 if you wish to take it home.

Instructor: Isabelle Bassett
Class Duration: 1 hour
Max Students: 7
Cost: $0 / $5 for a lucet fork

Let’s make a Hedeby-style Norse tote bag!
September Tavern (October 8, 2024)

In this class we’ll plan out a Hedeby-style tote bag which is a great period-informed way of hiding all of your mundane things that you need to carry with you. We’ll look at some examples of finished bags, cut out our fabrics, and begin sewing our bags.

Instructor: Drífa at lækjamoti
Class Duration: 1 hour
Max Students: 8
Cost: $0
Wooden bag handles: $15 (If you don’t have your own)
No hand out provided