Have you ever wanted to learn how to Event steward events, but had no idea where to start? Been part of a team and feel almost ready but not quite ready to take the leadership plunge? Join Sir Kathryn & myself, Duchess Kiera as we assemble a bid and, pending approval, Event Steward Dragonslayer 2025 Dragonslayer- From Egg to Wyrm! The course shall consist of six sessions, starting at Tavern on March 11″, 2025.
- March 11th – Assembling the Bid (In person)
- April 8th – Bid in the Pipeline
- May 13th – Event Scheduling
- June 10th – Herding Cats (or Planning Progress)
- July 8th – The 11th Hour (or What Have You Forgotten?)
- August 12th – Event Post-Mortem
This first 30 minute session, held at the Tavern March 11th, will start with Assembling the Bid. How to determine the needs of an event, the people involved and what paperwork is required to get the process going. Delivery of future sessions will be discussed at the first session. For those who are interested but cannot attend Tavern, please contact Kate or myself directly as we are open to moving future session to Discord to facilitate communications and meetings.
The intent is to bring interested parties onto the team to shadow the process learning the best way humans do, by doing!
We look forward to seeing you. If you have questions prior to Tavern, please do not hesitate to reach out to Sir Kate or myself.