It’s that time of year again when History comes to life at the Military Museums!


  • August 16 (set up)
  • August 17 & 18 (main demo)
  • August 18 (tear down, depending on weather)


UPDATED 2024 Layout


  • To demonstrate our fighting, our historical excellence, and our overall enthusiasm!

If you have some additional awesome ideas, please email the Chatelaine (Bjar

The Barony of Montengarde is looking for some fighters, artisans, and folk to show off what the SCA is all about!

If interested, please contact Bjar ( with your name and how you can help out.

Please let Bjar know by July 31 so that we have numbers for the Volunteer BBQ after the event.
You can volunteer after that date, but we can’t guarantee you a place at the BBQ.

The Military Museums page

Facebook Baronial Event Page

Facebook Military Museum Page



  • 18:00 (6 pm) Setting up Pavilion, Tables, etc.
    • If you have gear that you trust to be left overnight, it can be stowed in the A-Frame or the Pavillion.
    • If you have a hammer suitable for hammering in metal stakes, please bring and mark with your name.


  • 0800 – 0900 Drive in to drop off then drive out
  • 0830 – 0900 Safety briefing
  • 0900 – 1700 OPEN FOR PUBLIC
  • 1000 – 1030 PARADE: processing in and saluting to the crowd as we are introduced
  • 1230 – 1300 MARTIAL DISPLAY EAST FIELD: SCA & Dragon’s Own are sharing time to give each side some rest
  • 1315 – 1345 MARTIAL DISPLAY WEST FIELD: SCA & Dragon’s Own again
  • 1630 – 1730 GRAND MELEE: Participation optional (SATURDAY ONLY)

It’s a pretty intense schedule and depending on how many fighters are available. To be clear – we are NOT in melee with Dragon’s Own but sharing time so that each group has some opportunity to rest and reset. It worked pretty well last year so we’re doing it again.


We are looking to have at least two tables for display and activities to engage with families. If there is a particular special activity for a time slot, please contact and CC so we can spread the word!

At least two other tables will be dedicated to various SCA artifacts. We do ask that anything sharp or otherwise hazardous if a visitor were to grab it should be left at home. We are looking for at least two volunteers per display table for facilitating handling and explanations of the artifacts.


We are looking for things that can be handled by the public and help show what we do. Be it period board games, SCA martial devices, armor bits, heraldry displays, garb (though that’s better on presenters but hats are cool), period tools, etc.

Things we’d rather keep at home – easily breakable, sharps, anything that you wouldn’t want a seven year old child to try and grab, and that sort of thing.

Potentially sharp items (i.e. arrows, blunted blades with a tip) should only be brought out when they are supervised by two SCAdians and otherwise kept behind the tables. This is more relevant to artisans needing sharps to do their arts.


  • What if I can only come for one day or or just for set up / tear down?
    No problem! Each day has something important going on, including set up. If you can only make one, awesome, let us know which one and how you wish to help out. If you can’t make it all, spread the word to your friends about Summer Skirmish!
  • Can we camp on site like previous years?
    Yes, but please be courteous to the neighborhood with our level of noise and excitement (11 pm is the Quiet Time start). Other groups have caused problems in years past.
  • Will there be food trucks?
    Yes, and they have been asked to stick around to help feed us until the BBQ. There should be water available on site but always good to bring some and snacks to keep your blood sugar up.
  • Will there be better water access this year?
    We have been promised better signage for the on site water access and access to the showers. We will have a fob that will get us access to the showers by way of the Atrium, not through the collections.
  • Where can I park?
    There will be limited parking at the Military Museums for Summer Skirmish. There is parking available at Master’s Academy, Flames Community Arena, and nearby street parking. Handicap parking will be available on a first come first serve basis. Carpooling is recommend.
  • Do I need to be authorized or sign a waiver to be part of the Demo?
    If you are fighting, the SCA requires you to be authorized. For a Demo, there is a specific Demo Waiver the SCA expects you to sign (plus it helps us confirm volunteer numbers). You are not required to have a membership for the Demo, just be in garb and be ready to talk to people.
  • What if I don’t know what to say to guests?
    Mostly just share what makes you and your friends excited about the SCA. Keep in mind these families have many other groups to see so keep it brief.
  • What can I bring to the Demo?
    We expect to have room for at least four tables (two for Artisans, two for Martial). Items that are safe for small children to handle are best. Any sharp items will need to be supervised by at least two volunteers or removed from the display until they can be properly supervised. Shields are awesome for photo opportunities!
  • I’ve got more questions …
    Drop a message to Bjar at and he will get back to you in a couple of days.

#SummerSkirmish #SummerSkirmish2024