Good Day Barony of Montengarde! Seeking a Seneschal Let it be known that I will be stepping down as Baronial Seneschal in June 2025. I will need a successor. I will allow for three months of training time and cross-over and I am willing to stay on as Deputy Seneschal, if required, to facilitate the transition…
Baronial Confidence Poll Closed
The Online form for sending your poll to their Majesties regarding your confidence in our Current Baron and Baroness, Refr Bjarnarson and HE Ádís Ulfsdóttir is now closed as of midnight Jan 18 2025.
A&S Minister Job Posting
Good People of Montengarde, This November marks the end of my term as the Montengarde Minister of Arts & Sciences. As such we are asking for applications for successors to the position, so that the successful applicant has the opportunity to receive job training before taking over the position. Primary Arts and Sciences Officer Responsibilities…
Event Site Booking Proposal
Greetings and Salutations! We are seeking input from the residents of the Barony of Montengarde for a new pilot project aimed at enhancing our Baronial events. The proposal will be voted on during the April General Council meeting. Please note that the social media post will not be actively monitored for comments or discussions. Instead,…
Fighters needed for the Expo!
Good Day, Fighters of Avacal! I solicit all style of Fighter to please consider coming out and showing off your skills to the world at large! That’s right, Montengarde and the Calgary Comic Expo needs you! The Expo runs from April 26th to April 29th. Below are the time slots the Expo is open on…
Baronial Chronicler Needed!!!
Greetings Montengarde! Have you ever thought about serving your Barony as an officer? Well, we have a vacancy on our Council for the position of Chronicler! The Chronicler, will attend our monthly council meetings and provide the official record the business that is done there. The Chronicler also is responsible for receiving officer reports and…
Seneschal for Montengarde needed!
Greetings Montengarde! Two years have flown by, and I find myself looking for a candidate who is interested in taking over the job of Seneschal for Montengarde when I step down this March. For those wondering what a Seneschal does: “The Seneschal is the legal business representative of The Barony of Montengarde. Seneschals sign all…
Sargentry Trials Schedule
Schedule is subject to change Populous – Time table