Demo class

Class offering! Our esteemed Avacal Chatelaine,Eira Halladottir (Terri Bauer) is currently on a cross Avacal journey, and will be teaching a class, and holding a discussion on demos, retention, and introducing people to this wonderful game, the SCA. Please come to the Military Museum classroom ( 4520 Crowchild Trail SW, Calgary, AB) at 7:00pm on…

May 2017 Minutes (Not Approved)

Montengarde Council – May 17, 2017 Attendees Jeff Moore, Jenny Stellick, Ken Mullany, Korey Wiedemayer, Simone Haywood, Steve Haywood, Nicole Roth, Paul VanRooyen, Jason Sallay, Daniel, Kristine Saxberg, DeNae O’Brien, Blue   Call to Order and Review of Agenda Meeting called to order by Kristine at 7:01pm Approval of Minutes Motion Dan, second Ken Baron…

Dragonslayer 2017

  Whispers, carried on the breeze, of great winged beast. ‘It comes again!’ fingers point to the horizon. Come! Gather in Montengarde! The Baron and Baroness call all those, brave and true, who would stand up as their champions. Bring sword! Bring bow! Come ye gentles, and bear witness to the deeds of the future…

Summer Skirmish

If you are unable to go to Silverwolf? SCA stuff is happening in Montengarde! Summer Skirmish is happening at the Military Museums on Saturday and Sunday. 9am – 6:30 pm. 4520 Crowchild Trail SW, Calgary, AB. T2T 5J4 We need all kinds of Volunteers willing to do demos for the visitors to the museum. We…

May regional Practice

Spring Is Coming! What better time to clean out your wardrobe, dust off your projects, shine your armour, and come to our Spring Regional Practice!! Windwyrm will be hosting a Practice on May 27, 2017, with a Social to follow. Lunch and Supper will be available for $5.00 a serving. We will have demonstrations, classes,…