Midsummer Mischief

The Incipient Shire of Ayresgarde Welcomes one and all to their premier event, Midsummer Mischief! When: July 26 – 28, 2019Where: Wardner Rd, Wardner, BC, Canada Site Fee: $20 for members, $25 for non-members NO MERCHANTING FEE! Event Stewards: Chezzy McDonald (Thisbe) / Amanda Gueguen (Medb)Backed by Paul van Rooyen (Tonis) Featuring all your favourite SCA…

Office of Exchequer Open

Hear Ye, hear ye! The Barony of Montengarde is currently operating with an interim Exchequer, and looking to fill the Office of Exchequer full time. Their Excellencies and Seneschal are accepting Letters of Intention and Resumes for this position until Noon, Sunday May 12, 2019. Announcement of the successful candidate will happen at May Council,…

Dragon Slayer 2019

Once again, the Montengarde lands are threatened as we hear the rumbles of Dragons in a distance  heading our way. On June 22nd, 2019 come stand with Baron Bjar the Blue and Baroness Bóthilðr  Sigurðardóttir at Dragonslayer as we set out to defend ourselves against the beasts that threaten us on  this day. We call…

Financial Policy 2019 Review Updated

As part of the business side of the Barony, there is a monthly Financial Committee meeting to evaluate event bids, review budgets, approve expenditures, and generally oversee that the Barony is being financially responsible. The policy is reviewed at least once a year and brought before the Council for discussion before being ratified by the…

Largesse Coordinator Needed!

We are looking for a person to take over as our Largesse Coordinator! Lady Constantina, who has done an amazing job with this since we stepped up, has had to give up the position due to family commitments Thank you for your stellar service, Renea Barker! The job consists of: – collecting and storing largesse for…

A&S Officer Position Open!

Greetings! We are looking for a dedicated person to take over the role of A&S Officer! HL. Sigfuss Thorwulfsson (Korey R Wiedemayer) is currently serving in this position, and we thank him for doing so! We will be selecting his successor at March Council (March 20th, 2019) So if you are interested in this position,…

Sergeantry Trials 2019

Greetings Montengarde! As your incipient Baroness, it is my pleasure to announce that at our upcoming Twelfth Night celebrations, on January 19th, 2019, I will be accepting letters and/or verbal statements of intent to vye in this year’s Sergeantry Trials, which will be held this year on August 9th to August 11th, 2019. Please feel free…

A&S at Fight Practice!

Greetings!This is a friendly reminder that Montengarde Fight Practice is also open to A&S people!!! Fight practices are held on Thursday nights at the Rehabilitation Society of Calgary, located at:(#7 – 11th Street NE, Calgary, AB, ​T2E 4Z2), from 7pm to 9pm. Donations towards the cost of the hall are appreciated, but not required. (each…

New Baron and Baroness Chosen!

Unto the populace of Montengarde! Last night the results of the Baronial selection process were announced, naming  Master Bjar the Blue & HL Bóthilðr Sigurðardóttir the next Baron and Baroness! Thank you to all the candidates for your hard work as well as the populace’s participation in the selection process, including coming to the Q&A…

Mouthpiece Ready!

Behold, after much ado, the Montengarde Mouthpiece is ready for download HERE! PLEASE NOTE! THE NEWSLETTER HAS BEEN FILE DATE CORRECTED AND THE ARCHERY LANE FEES UPDATE! The frequency of the Newsletter will be Quarterly, so the next issue will be available in January 2019.  If you are interested in contributing to the newsletter (roving…

New Beginnings – August Tavern

Warmest Greetings Montengarde! Countess Karina and Lady Lorette cordially invite you all to the August Tavern where we will be pleased to celebrate with “New Beginnings” for their Excellences His Lordship Peter von Setzingen and Her Ladyship Brangwayn Hesson The Everpresent and their upcoming little schnitzel to be!!! That’s right Montengarde, we are inviting you…